superadmin August 14, 2023

Because the UAE is a melting pot of many cultures and countries, traffic conditions and driving styles are unpredictable, despite good road infrastructure. It can also be daunting for inexperienced drivers to drive on six lane highways while others are speeding at 100 to 120 mph, increasing the likelihood of a traffic accident. To that end, traffic authorities have imposed tight driving restrictions in UAE, as well as large penalties and high tech detection devices, in order to keep things under control.

We give a thorough introduction to the country’s road safety and traffic regulations to lead you through UAE driving rules, the penalty system, and strategies for improving road safety in UAE.

UAE Driving Rules

1. Valid Driving License

A driving license is a valuable item when living in UAE, and many car owners preserve it to ensure that all rules and regulations are followed. You should always have a valid driver’s license with you. The license is valid for ten years for GCCC and UAE nationals and five years for others. You cannot renew your license until all outstanding penalties are paid. Driving license violations can result in fines of up to AED 3,000. They have the authority to seize your car as well. Listed below are many UAE driving license rules.

  • If you hold a foreign driving license and do not have an authorization, you must pay an AED 400 fine.
  • If you drive without a valid driving license, you will receive 12 black points and will be fined AED 400.
  • If your driving license is expired, you may be fined AED 500 and receive four black points.

2. UAE Driving Side

Dubai uses a right hand driving scheme. Vehicles in Dubai are equipped with a left hand steering wheel, and you must drive on the right side of the road. Overtaking is permitted from the left. Though it is frequent on both sides of the road in Dubai, you should check your back and side view mirrors and keep an eye out for fast cars. Nonetheless, the laws are strict, passing on the hard shoulder might result in a punishment.

3. UAE Speed Limit

The speed limit in Dubai has been set at 60kmph to 80kmph for urban areas, 40kmph for residential areas, 25kmph for parking zones, and 100kmph to 120kmph for motorways. Those who violate the regulation, however, must pay a fine based on the severity of the infringement.

For example, if you are caught breaking speed restrictions by more than 60 kmph, you will be fined AED 2,000 & your car will be confiscated for 30 days. A comparable punishment would be imposed for intentionally racing or driving carelessly.

4. Driving Under Influence

Driving under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, or comparable substances is a significant criminal offense in UAE, and those convicted may have their license & insurance revoked. The UAE has a zero tolerance policy for alcohol, and no matter how little you drink before driving, you will face significant consequences. The following are the implications of driving when intoxicated.

  • Your driver’s license may be suspended for 1 year by the authorities.
  • You might be fined AED 20,000 or AED 30,000.
  • Depending on the seriousness of the offense, you might be imprisoned for 1 month to 3 years.

5. Not Wearing A Seatbelt

Seatbelts are obligatory for all drivers in UAE, even those in the rear seat. Front seat passengers must also be at least 145 cm tall and under the age of ten. A child safety seat must also be provided for children under the age of four. When driving in UAE, all of these rules must be obeyed. However, violating this law may result in an AED 400 fine and four black points.

6. Reckless Driving

A driver spotted dangerously swerving in and out of traffic was apprehended a few days ago by Abu Dhabi Police. Even though there were few vehicles on the highway, the individual was tailgating other vehicles and refusing to stay in his lane, nearly causing a crash many times.

Reckless driving is defined as a driver’s negligent behavior on the road that endangers other cars. It carries a 2,000 AED fine, 23 black points, and a 60 day auto impoundment. Drivers who imperil themselves will face the same consequences. Other offenses include: impeding traffic, running red lights, veering unexpectedly, and driving without a license plate.

7. Ignoring Traffic Signals And Road Signs

Ignoring traffic signals, stopping streets, and road signs, such as red lights, is a fineable crime in UAE, whether you are a motorist or a driver. Violations of the rule signals are punishable by a fine of AED 1,000. You may potentially receive 12 black points and have your vehicle or bike impounded for a month.

8. Distractions

According to a road safety UAE study, just 66% of drivers are always completely concentrated behind the wheel, while 40% are occupied adjusting the air conditioning and 34% use their cellphones. Distracted driving is defined as driving while doing anything else, such as texting, conversing on the phone or with other passengers, drinking, eating, or caring for children.

All distractions endanger the passengers’, pedestrians’, and other drivers’ safety. According to the WHO, this is the cause of 4% of road deaths or 239 deaths in 2019. Distracted driving can result in an AED 400 fine and four black points.

9. Expired Tires

Old and damaged car tires reduce the market value of your vehicle and can potentially cause traffic accidents. Driving with expired tires can also result in an AED 500 fine, 4 black points, and a week’s car impoundment.

10. Window Tints

Dubai Police has published a new traffic regulation allowing car owners to apply 50 percent tint in their car windows, up from the previous 30% tint restriction in the emirate. Car owners can tint all windows except the front windscreen under the new Federal Traffic Law. Motorists who like deeper tints no longer have to worry about an AED1,500 punishment for employing more than 30% tints, thanks to the new 50% tint limit.

11. Noise Pollution

The UAE police guarantee that autos do not disrupt residents’ serenity by limiting vehicle noise to 95 decibels. Anything above this will result in fines. In addition, the authorities have erected radars along the roadways to ensure that motorists do not exceed the stipulated limit.

12. Crowding Accidents Sites

Police in UAE warn residents to avoid gathering at accident sites and photographing or videotaping wounded persons. According to UAE Federal Law, doing so is punishable by a fine of AED 1,000.

13. Illegally Driving Passengers

Private car drivers unlawfully ferry people in Abu Dhabi & other emirates. They either approach bystanders along the bridge and the bus stop, or they scream, offering passengers a cheaper alternative to licensed taxis. However, doing so might result in fines ranging from AED 5,000 to Dh10,000, as well as 30 days in prison.

14. Abrupt Swerving

Another major cause of traffic accidents in UAE is sudden swerving. It puts drivers at risk and causes misunderstanding. As a result, under the UAE Federal Traffic Law, sudden swerving is punishable by a fine of AED 1000 & 4 black points.

15. Not Claiming An Automobile

If a car owner does not collect their vehicle after the confiscation time has ended, they must pay a penalty of AED 50 as storage costs.

16. Not Maintaining A Safe Distance

Maintaining a safe distance from the car that’s in front of you is required to provide you enough time to respond if something happens. Tailgating, on the other hand, is a regulation infringement that can result in a fine of AED 400 and 4 black points in UAE. You can know Essential Driving Tips For Senior Citizens In UAE it may help you for your safe driving in UAE.

17. Other Behavior Violations

Aside from the infractions outlined above, there are more that drivers commit. So, if you’re driving in UAE, here are some frequent things to watch out for

  • Tossing trash out the window
  • Jaywalking
  • Not wearing your seatbelt
  • Driving a car without insurance or registration
  • Using a loud car

What is the role of the UAE in supporting safe driving?

Road traffic accidents are the primary cause of mortality in UAE. However, road and transport agencies across the UAE have enacted severe rules and legislation to guarantee traffic safety and compliance. They use cutting-edge technology to reduce traffic offenses and keep everything under control.

Is driving in UAE easy?

If you are a UAE resident and are confident in your driving abilities, you may simply ride on UAE roads. However, driving in UAE as a tourist is not encouraged due to the fast paced traffic and severe driving restrictions that must be obeyed.

What is the main driving rule in UAE?

The UAE has the nicest roads in the world, which any motorist would want to ride on. Roads, on the other hand, are not a racetrack. You must observe road traffic restrictions just as you would any other public rule. All infractions are subject to severe fines and harsh punishments. No excuses, incentives, or arguments will assist you. Contact Carsclub to discover more about the key road rules in UAE.

Is right-hand drive legal in Dubai?

Motorists in Dubai and the UAE are expected to drive on the right side of the road. The steering wheel is on the left in UAE vehicles, and drivers drive on the right side of the road.

Road Signs In The UAE

Road signs play an important role in traffic regulation by alerting drivers to possible risks on the road and offering critical visual assistance. As a result, while driving in UAE, you should refresh your understanding of traffic signs in UAE.

Driving in UAE is usually more fun than driving in your home country. Driving here, however, might take some time due to the number of elegant and costly cars rushing down the road. Even though it provides a wonderful driving experience, car accidents are fairly uncommon. As a result, following the laws and regulations stated in this book is critical.


UAE Driving Rules provide a solid framework that promotes road safety while also ensuring smooth traffic flow. These guidelines, which emphasize speed limits, responsible driving, and required seatbelt use, promote a safe environment for both motorists and pedestrians. Furthermore, the installation of comprehensive traffic signs and signals improves road navigation.

The UAE hopes to create a culture of safe driving and minimize the number of accidents by implementing strong fines for traffic infractions & supporting driver education programs. Finally, these regulations demonstrate the UAE’s commitment to protecting lives and maintaining a well regulated transportation system.

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