2011 Hyundai Genesis Coupe 3.8

AED 24,500

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About This Car

Hi Guys, 2011 Hyundai Genesis Coupe

Time to let go my Hyundai Genesis Coupe 3.8
Always well maintained and parked under Garage.
was regularly maintained at Hyundai showroom until 200K km.

Car is Fun to drive Fast, Reliable and Sporty.

"Also was parked inside safely during the Floods"

Car is definitely a head turner with the Dust Gold painted Rims.

Message me or call if Serious about buyingHi Guys,

Time to let go my Hyundai Genesis Coupe 3.8
Always well maintained and parked under Garage.
was regularly maintained at Hyundai showroom until 200K km.

Car is Fun to drive Fast, Reliable and Sporty.

"Also was parked inside safely during the Floods"

Car is definitely a head turner with the Dust Gold painted Rims.

Message me or call if Serious about buying



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